Our Products
Cooking Boilers

Cooking Boilers

Product Code: EQUP-MC20195-0005

Categories: Meat Heat Treatment Equipment

Tags: Cooking Boilers


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  • Description

Cooking Boilers


The professional boilers manufactured  are multifunctional equipment for the thermal treatment of food products and much more.
They are used mainly in meat processing plants to cook food and boiled meat, as well as to melt fats.
The multifunctionality of our boilers is the result of a wide range of options and configurations that you can choose from.
We are obliged in this way, in the first place, our extensive experience, accumulated by us throughout all these years, as well as the knowledge of our qualified personnel.
Construction: the entire boiler is made of acid resistant steel with a silicone seal.
Regardless of the version, direct heating is used, that is, in the oil layer, which guarantees the uniformity of the heating and prevents the burning of the product.
The lid and the container are thermally insulated.
Each device is equipped with a microprocessor controller that allows you to control the set temperature, the waiting time, the operating time and the central temperature, whenever the process requires it.
The kettle and lid are thermally insulated.
