Army Military Telecscopic Manipulator
- To lift hanging object from tree
- To lift object under the vehicle
- To lift object as light as egg, water bottles without breakege and deformaty
- Breakaway claw
- Telescopic arm
- Water proof control unit
- The EOD Manipulator is a remote handling tool designed particularly for use in IEDD operations. It provides the Bomb Technician with a means of reaching forward, to manipulate or pick up an object, with safety enhancing stand off from the device.
- A battery powered Robotic Head and Manipulator enables the Bomb Technician to manipulate or pick up a
suspected device or IED from 10 gm to 25 kg, At different pressure levels/selection, according to object.
- The equipment is equipped with an electronic claw with adjustable orientation and variable claw speed when grasping and releasing a suspect device.
- The curved claw attachment allow picking up curved or smooth objects such as bottles, pipe bombs and small ammunitions, gunny bag, briefcases & any suspected object.
- The telescopic pole provided with a counter weight so as to enable easy handling by the operator.
- The equipment is equipped with a strong and good quality adjustable shoulder strap of so as to
enable easy handling and carriage.